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When to Move From Assisted Living to Memory Care

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As the population ages, memory-related conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia have become more prevalent. For many families, personal care communities provide the necessary support for their loved ones, offering a blend of independence and assistance with daily activities. 

However, as cognitive impairments progress, there may come a time when transitioning to a memory care community becomes essential, such as an increase in cognitive or physical decline, safety concerns, or caregiver burnout. Understanding when to make this move can be challenging but is crucial for making sure that your loved one is safe and well looked after.

Landmark Crossing at Southgate offers a specialized, compassionate, and secure environment that is ideally suited for individuals with memory-related conditions. By choosing Landmark Crossing, families can trust that their loved ones will receive the personalized and expert care they need to thrive.

Recognizing the Need for Memory Care

Increased Cognitive Decline

One of the most telling signs that it’s time to transition from assisted living to memory care is increased cognitive decline. If your loved one starts exhibiting significant memory loss, confusion, or disorientation that interferes with their daily activities, it may be time to consider memory care. These specialized communities are equipped to handle the unique challenges posed by advanced cognitive impairments.

Behavioral Changes

Memory-related conditions often bring about behavioral changes such as aggression, agitation, anxiety, and mood swings. If these behaviors become frequent and severe, personal care staff may not have the training or resources to manage them effectively. Memory care staff are specially trained to handle these behaviors with patience and expertise.

Safety Concerns

Safety is a primary concern when caring for individuals with memory-related conditions. If your loved one begins to wander, forgets to turn off appliances, or has frequent accidents, their current living situation may no longer be safe. Memory care communities are designed to provide a secure environment, reducing the risk of accidents and wandering.

a group of seniors sit in comfortable chairs drinking tea and conversing

Decline in Physical Health

A noticeable decline in physical health, coupled with cognitive impairment, often necessitates a higher level of care. This could include difficulty eating, walking, or maintaining personal hygiene. Memory care communities offer comprehensive support tailored to these needs, ensuring that residents receive appropriate medical attention and assistance with daily tasks.

Caregiver Burnout

Family members and caregivers often experience burnout when trying to manage the increasing demands of a loved one with memory impairment. If you find yourself physically and emotionally exhausted, it may be time to explore memory care options. This transition can provide peace of mind, knowing that your loved one is receiving professional care around the clock.

The Landmark Crossing Difference: The Moments Matter™ Program

At Landmark Crossing at Southgate, we pride ourselves on offering specialized memory care that goes beyond basic living services. One of the key highlights of our memory care community is the Moments Matter™ program. This dedicated initiative is designed to provide a supportive and fulfilling lifestyle for residents living with cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

What is Moments Matter™?

The Moments Matter™ program at Landmark Crossing at Southgate is built on the philosophy that every moment in life is precious, especially for those experiencing memory impairment. Through this program, we aim to create meaningful experiences, foster connections, and nurture individual strengths. Supported by our trained and certified memory care advisors, Moments Matter™ ensures that each resident receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs.

Key Features of Moments Matter™

Specialized Care: Personalized occupational and physical therapy tailored to the specific challenges of memory-related conditions.

Creating Connections: Activities designed to foster social interaction and emotional well-being, enhancing community and belonging.

Meaningful Experiences: Engaging activities and therapeutic interventions such as memory games, music therapy, and art classes to create moments of joy and enrichment.

Nurturing Strengths: Support for maintaining independence and dignity by recognizing and nurturing individual strengths, boosting cognitive function and self-esteem.

Comprehensive Support: Assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), including personal hygiene, grooming, dressing, bathing, mobility, and transferring, ensuring residents feel safe and comfortable.

Why Choose Moments Matter™?

Choosing the Moments Matter™ program at Landmark Crossing at Southgate means providing your loved one with compassionate, personalized care in a warm and enriching environment. Our team is committed to making every moment count, helping residents thrive.

The Benefits of Memory Care

Specialized Programs

Memory care communities offer specialized programs designed to stimulate cognitive function and slow the progression of memory-related conditions. Activities such as memory games, music therapy, and physical exercises are tailored to residents’ abilities and needs.

Highly Trained Staff

Staff in memory care communities undergo extensive training to understand the complexities of memory-related conditions. They are skilled in managing challenging behaviors and providing compassionate, patient-centered care.

Secure Environment

Memory care communities are equipped with security features such as locked doors, alarmed exits, and enclosed outdoor spaces to prevent wandering and ensure resident safety.

Personalized Care Plans

Each resident in a memory care facility has a personalized care plan that addresses their unique needs and preferences. These plans are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the highest quality of care.

Making the Transition

Transitioning from personal care to memory care can be an emotional decision, but it is often the best choice for ensuring the safety, health, and happiness of your loved one. Here are some steps to help make the transition smoother:

  • Communicate Openly: Discuss the need for the transition with your loved one, if possible, and involve them in the decision-making process.
  • Visit Communities Together: Tour memory care communities with your loved one to help them acclimate to the new environment.
  • Plan Ahead: Prepare for the move by organizing personal belongings and familiar items to make the new space feel like home.
  • Stay Involved: Continue to visit and participate in your loved one’s care even after the transition to ensure they feel supported and loved.

Making the Right Choice for Memory Care

Deciding when to move from personal care to memory care is a delicate and highly individual process. By recognizing the signs of cognitive decline, behavioral changes, safety concerns, and caregiver burnout, you can make an informed decision that prioritizes your loved one’s well-being. Memory care communities offer specialized programs, a secure environment, and compassionate care that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with memory-related conditions.

At Landmark Crossing at Southgate, we offer specialized memory care that emphasizes comfort, security, and personalized support. Our dedicated team and well-designed communities aim to provide the quality care your loved one needs. Schedule a visit today to see our care in action. Choose Landmark Crossing at Southgate to give your loved one the compassionate care they need.

Written by Angela Clark

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