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How to Furnish an Assisted Living Apartment

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Moving to an assisted living apartment is a significant transition. Everything changes, from daily routines to the physical space your loved one inhabits. And while change is inevitable, creating a space that feels like home where your loved one can thrive is essential. 

At Landmark Crossing at Southgate, our personal care spaces are designed to enhance life and offer support with activities of daily living like grooming, medication management, and more. Choosing comfortable and safe furniture with storage and personality can transform your loved one’s apartment in an assisted living community.

How to Make Personal Care Feel Like Home

It may be difficult for your loved one to imagine a new apartment as their space, especially if they’re downsizing from their lifelong home. It’s possible to overcome the smaller area and make a cozy, enjoyable space by highlighting the following:

  • Comfort
  • Safety
  • Storage
  • Personalization

Prioritize Comfort

Comfort should be the top priority when furnishing a personal care apartment. That means choosing furniture that is easy to get in and out of, with ample space to move around.

And don’t forget about bedding—nothing makes a space feel more like home than a cozy duvet and a soft mattress.

Focus on Safety

Safety is a crucial consideration. Select sturdy and secure furniture with no sharp edges or loose screws. Personal care apartments have grab bars in the bathroom, and you can ask the staff about additional supports throughout the space, such as near the bed, to help with balance and mobility.

Depending on your loved one’s mobility, adding non-slip rugs and mats throughout the apartment can help reduce the risk of falls.

Maximize Storage Space

Personal Care apartments can be smaller than what your loved one is used to, so they need to be strategic about storage. Look for furniture that doubles as storage, like a bench with built-in cubbies or an ottoman with hidden compartments. And don’t forget about vertical space—invest in shelves, hooks, and hanging organizers to maximize the space.

Personalize the Space

A woman and her mother solemnly looking at a photo on a moving day.

Personalizing the space is one of the best ways to make a personal care apartment feel like home. Display family photos, hang artwork you love, and incorporate their favorite colors into the decor.

Adding some elements of their old home can help ease the transition and make your loved one more comfortable in their new space. You don’t have to sacrifice style for function—with creativity, you can create a beautiful and functional space.

Get Expert Help

Furnishing a personal care apartment can be overwhelming, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. That’s why getting help from the experts is a good idea. Talk to the Landmark Crossing at Southgate staff—they may have recommendations for furniture stores, tips, or other resources that can make the process easier.

And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many people are willing to lend a hand when they know you’re going through a significant transition.

What Do Seniors Need in a Personal Care Apartment?

How can you know what to bring from your loved one’s home or what to add to the shopping list? Before choosing furniture, you should get measurements of their new apartment and see the layout. This helps you avoid moving their living room set only to discover it doesn’t fit their smaller space.

There are some items that every senior should consider for their apartment, including:

  • Lamps: adequate lighting for reading can help as their eyesight worsens
  • Cord organizers: electrical cords from televisions, cell phone chargers, landlines, and other appliances can become hazardous, so keeping them tidy can help keep your loved one safe
  • Tables: whether your loved one wants a coffee table or a dining table for crafts and games, rounded varieties can be safer than squares or rectangles with sharp edges

Starting with the basics before selecting extras can help avoid overfilling the apartment with hazardous clutter. The furniture basics include:

  • Bed frame
  • Mattress
  • Nightstands
  • Dresser
  • Small sofa
  • Recliner or lounge chair
  • Coffee table
  • Worktable or dining table
  • Dining chairs

Depending on the size of your loved one’s apartment, how many rooms it includes, their hobbies, interests, and penchant for hosting visits, their basics may differ slightly.

Your Loved One’s Personal Care Apartment Should Feel Like Home

Furnishing a personal care apartment is all about creating a space that’s comfortable, safe, functional, and personalized can create a home that feels welcoming and supportive. Moving to personal care can feel overwhelming, but the Serenity South Senior Living staff can offer advice and resources to help smooth the transition.

Visit Landmark Crossing at Southgate to tour the various floorplans and explore the amenities in your loved one’s future home. This is a new chapter in your loved one’s life, and furnishing their apartment is an exciting opportunity to create a space that’s uniquely theirs.

Written by Angela Clark

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