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The Levels of Care in Assisted Living Communities

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An assisted living resident smiling at the camera while she is playing cards with other senior living residents

As the caretaker of a senior, you may be considering the advantages of assisted living and how it could potentially enhance your loved one’s quality of life. Assisted living and personal care communities provide an array of services and levels of support tailored to meet each individual’s needs. 

Such services may include assistance with activities such as bathing, dressing, exercising, medication management, and mobility issues. Exploring the different types and levels of care available within the umbrella of assisted living can help you determine what would work best for your loved one. 

What Are Assisted Living Communities? 

Assisted living and personal care communities provide a unique blend of independence and support for seniors who require help with daily living. These communities typically offer personalized care plans, medication management, housekeeping, and meal services. They also provide a range of social activities and events that promote active living and healthy connections with others. 

Assisted living communities can benefit seniors who want to maintain their independence but require assistance with certain daily activities. They also offer peace of mind to family members who may not be equipped to address the complex needs of their loved ones. For seniors who want to live in a comfortable, supportive environment with access to caring staff and engaging activities, an assisted living community could be an ideal option.

Care levels depend on the amount of help a person needs to complete activities of daily living (ADLs). These activities include bathing, dressing, walking, eating, and more.

Level 1: Mostly Independent

As we age, our needs and ways of living change, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up our independence. Independent living communities offer a solution for seniors who are able to live on their own with limited assistance with daily activities. These communities are designed to provide wellness resources, activities, and social opportunities to keep seniors engaged and connected. 

When it comes to assisted living, Level 1 is the starting point for many seniors in need of some extra support. This level is geared toward those who require basic assistance with daily living activities, like getting up in the morning and gentle reminders throughout the day. At this stage, residents may only need a bit of support as they carry out these tasks on their own. 

However, as their needs change and they require more extensive help with additional ADLs, they can easily transition to a higher level of care. Despite its simplicity, Level 1 assisted living can provide seniors with the peace of mind that they have someone to turn to when they need a helping hand.

Level 2: Some Assistance with ADLs 

Level 2 assisted living typically provides a moderate level of support to older adults with daily activities, including personal grooming, walking, and dressing. 

The caregiver-to-resident ratio is key in ensuring that the appropriate level of care is provided, which is why communities with Level 2 care prioritize having a sufficient number of trained staff members available to provide one-on-one assistance to residents. 

Level 2 assisted living provides a higher level of care for residents, with support available for daily tasks, but still focuses on helping them maintain their independence. 

A group of senior living residents sitting in a group and performing exercises together

Level 3: Round-The-Clock Care

Level 3 assisted living caters to those who can benefit from daily hands-on assistance for multiple ADLs. This level of care is sometimes referred to as “enhanced assisted living.” This level of care can be beneficial for residents with physical limitations who may need assistance at any time of the day.

Memory care communities may also be classified as level 3 assisted living. It’s common for level 3 residents to have mild or moderate Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, which makes it even more critical for them to have constant access to care. Level 3 communities tend to have more personalized care that caters to the specific needs of each resident.

Personal Care

In Michigan, as in many other states, assisted living and personal care are terms often used interchangeably, and the specific regulations and definitions can vary. Personal care emphasizes customization of care and offers support with medical professionals as necessary on a case-by-case basis. Personal care provides comprehensive and unique care for seniors with varying needs. 

The Advantages of Assisted Living and Personal Care Communities

One of the many advantages of living in an assisted community is access to a range of helpful services and support. From assistance with medication management and meals to transportation and housekeeping, residents of assisted living communities have access to a wide array of services. 

Furthermore, these communities can provide invaluable emotional support to seniors, who can often feel isolated and lonely. With regular social activities and events, residents can make friends, enjoy hobbies, and engage in meaningful experiences, all while receiving the care and support they need. Ultimately, assisted living communities can provide individuals with the opportunity to live life to the fullest, with safety, security, and comfort as top priorities.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Senior Living Community

Choosing the right assisted living facility for your loved one can be a challenging task. There are many factors to consider, and it’s vital to make an informed decision. To make sure that your family member receives the best care possible, it’s essential to ask the right questions. 

Some things you might inquire about are:

  • The level of experience and training of the staff members
  • The daily routine and activities residents can participate in
  • How the community prioritize their residents’ safety 

By asking these questions and others, you can find an assisted living community that meets the specific needs of your loved one and gives you peace of mind.

Find a Place That Feels Like Home

Assisted living could be the perfect fit for seniors needing a little extra help with daily activities. Choosing the right community and level of care for your loved one is a big decision, so it’s important to consider all the factors. 

Our friendly team at Landmark Crossing at Southgate is happy to help you explore care options, answer questions you may have, and take you on a tour of our community. Book a tour today to get started.

Written by Angela Clark

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